The programs categorized under Schedule A represent a significant expenditure of Trust funds to combat the opioid epidemic in Pennsylvania. Note, the categorizations were self-identified by those completing the reports, and may be subject to further review and analysis by the Trust; moreover, Exhibit E contains broad language subject to interpretation and some spending may arguably fit into more than one category. Expenditures self-identified as being compliant with Schedule A include:
- Over $4 million spent and committed on programs that provide Treatment for Incarcerated Populations (Category F), making up over 18% of the Schedule A expenditures.
- Over 14% of reported Schedule A expenditures were on Prevention Programs (Category G), with over $3 million spent and committed.
- Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Distribution and Other Opioid-Related Treatment (Category B) and Expansion of Warm Hand-off Programs and Recovery Service (Category E) had over $3 million spent and committed, jointly making up over 15% of Schedule A spent and committed funds.
- Over 3% of Schedule A spent and committed funds were used on Naloxone or other FDA-Approved Drugs to Reverse Opioid Overdoses (Category A).
- Over 2% was reported for programs for Pregnant & Postpartum Women (Category C).
- Expanding Treatment for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) (Category D) and Expanding Syringe Service Programs (Category H) each had 1 program, jointly making up over $90,000 in Schedule A spent and committed funds.
- Over 46% of Schedule A expenditures were reported as being for programs with multiple Schedule A categories, with over $10 million spent and committed.
As it relates to Schedule B expenditures, and as shown in the charts on the Trust’s website:
- Over 24% of Schedule B opioid settlement funds were spent and committed on programs that Prevent Misuse of Opioids (Category G) with over $11.5 million.
- Programs aiming to Support People in Treatment and Recovery (Category B) has over $7 million spent and committed, making up over 14% of self-reported Schedule B expenditures.
- Over 9% of Schedule B spent and committed funds were used to Treat Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) (Category A) with over $4.5 million.
- Over $6 million was reported as being spent and/or committed each to Connect People Who Need Help to the Help They Need (Connections to Care) (Category C), Address the Needs of Criminal Justice-Involved Persons (Category D), Prevent Overdose Deaths and Other Harms (Harm Reduction) (Category H), and for Leadership, Planning, and Coordination (Category J), jointly making up 13% of reported spent and committed funds under Schedule B.
- Over 1% of Schedule B spent and committed funds were used to Prevent Over-Prescribing and Ensure Appropriate Prescribing and Dispensing of Opioids (Category F), on First Responders (Category I), and on Training (Category K), with over $600,000 of funds spent and committed for each category.
- Less than 1% of Schedule B expenditures were on programs that Address the Needs of Pregnant or Parenting Women and Their Families, Including Babies with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (Category E), and on Research, jointly having over $62,000 in reported spent and committed funds.
- Over 37% of Schedule B expenditure was reported to be for programs with multiple Schedule B categories, with over $18 million spent and committed.
The above charts do not include the six (6) programs which did not indicate whether the remediation strategies should appropriately be categorized as Schedule A or B, totaling $1.4 million spent and/or committed. Additionally, the charts do not include reporting from the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, which makes separate reports to the Trust. Notably, the values in the pie chart are as reported by respondents; the Trust has not yet finished reviewing these expenditures for compliance with Exhibit E. Once reviews are complete, the Board of Trustees will report on the compliance of these programs with Exhibit E at a future public meeting.

(Total Spent and Committed: $22,128,197)

(Total Spent and Committed: $49,426,427)